We are committed to assisting the Maryland Department of Natural Resources with their new Water Quality Monitoring System. This system will allow for DNR to record the lake’s baseline water quality and determine how the watershed affects the lake’s water quality.
Establishing the baseline in this first year will be crucial for detecting any changes to the quality of the lake’s water. This new program will allow for continuous water quality data instead of the current random sampling and limited data. Continuous Monitoring Meters will be deployed in all major coves in Deep Creek Lake to help further identify sources of variation. The meters identify and record pH, temperature, turbidity, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll. Consistent monitoring of these markers will provide a more clear picture of the lake’s natural fluctuations.
An array of these monitors around the lake will afford an excellent data base to monitor the impacts of stormwater events, water levels, boat or wind driven waves, shoreline erosion, and perhaps sewage discharges.
The meters the state has in place are reaching the end of their useful lives, with one exception. An estimate of the cost of each new meter is about $23,000. The Foundation intends to fund as many of these meters as possible based on contributions.
The data provided by these meters will be crucial for identifying areas of concern that warrant future projects and special attention.